Central trial site:
Jász u. 84.-88.
H-1135 Budapest
Telefon: (00 36) 1 785 0047  
Fax: (00 36) 1 785 0048
Mail: info@unomedicaltrials.hu

Contact person 
Marianna Kosztyú
Mobile: (00 36) 70 984 9307

Frissítve: 2007.09.16
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To the patient

Dear patient, it is a great pleasure for us to welcome you as a potential participant in one of our clinical trials.

We should like to inform you that according to protocol all participants have detailed medical examinations and regular checkings during the study. Certainly, all study related medical services, treatment and drug are free of charge for the patient.

For more information about our ongoing or future studies, please contact Marianna Kosztyú study coordinator.